Golden Gate Bridge Presidio

Best Spots to Take a Photograph in the Presidio

The Presidio is full of Instagrammable locations. 这里有8个公园的俯瞰,可以让你拍出完美的照片.

Crissy Field Overlook

Located along the Presidio 漫步长廊,克里西田野俯瞰是一个受欢迎的停止为那些在他们的方式 Golden Gate Bridge. 一个景观广场,沿着弯曲的石墙设置长凳,邀请客人欣赏风景. Look out into San Francisco Bay and spot Alcatraz and Angel IslandCrissy Field 它本身就在下面,提供了完美的海滩,小径和景点,如 House of Air. Learn more here.

Golden Gate Overlook

This overlook is well-known for its direct view of the Golden Gate Bridge's twin towers framed between two Cypress trees. It's a popular Instagram and wedding shot location. 金门观景台建于2012年,以纪念金门大桥建成75周年, and is located just off Lincoln Boulevard. The curved plaza hugs the coastal bluff. 游客可以自由探索以前的军事炮台. 设置提供本地植物群和下面的小径的意见. Learn more here.

Immigrant Point Overlook

Head here for a direct view of the Pacific Ocean, the Marin Headlands, and, on a clear day, Point Reyes National Seashore. 为了纪念那些通过金门进入新家的人而命名, “移民俯瞰”以伍德罗·威尔逊总统的话为特色:“我们打开了通往世界的大门,并说, “让所有想要自由的人到我们这里来吧,我们会欢迎他们的.'" carved into stone. 当你拍摄到足够壮丽的海景时,这个俯瞰很容易连接到公园里的徒步旅行和海滩选择. 在无雾的日子里欣赏日落,这是一次特别难忘的旅行. Learn more here.

Inspiration Point Overlook

Inspiration Point is a popular stop, 因为它的位置很方便,靠近Arguello大道通往公园的入口, as well as the Presidio Golf Course, El Polin Spring朱利叶斯·卡恩游乐场,以及艺术家安迪·戈尔兹沃西的户外作品之一——尖塔. Overlooking the park's largest watershed, Tennessee Hollow, Inspiration Point offers a view of San Francisco Bay, 以及周围的草原,附近的历史建筑和桉树树冠. Learn more here.

Lobos Valley Overlook

Located toward the southwest corner of the PresidioLobos Valley Overlook是一个了解公园历史的好地方. Lobos Valley也曾是放牛的地方, vegetable gardens, and army training facilities. More recently, though, 从这里可以看到普雷西迪奥信托基金会为复兴所做的努力, 重建的沙丘邀请本地植物回归,并开始积极的环境转变. 这是另一个俯瞰太平洋及其日落的景观. Learn more here.

Marine Cemetery Vista

Immediately behind the former U.S. Marine Hospital site along the Mountain Lake Trail, the Marine Cemetery Vista is a restored dune habitat. This is a great location to ponder and respect U.S. history. From 1881 to 1912, 在医院死亡、遗体无法运回家乡的水手们被埋在附近的山上. 如果你开车的话,附近的威德迈尔街(Wedemeyer Street)有付费停车场. Learn more here.

National Cemetery Overlook

In the middle of the Presidio forest, 在贝博体彩app国家公墓的高处坐落着俯瞰宁静的广场. Dedicated on Veterans Day 2009, 在这个宁静的地方,可以欣赏到占地28英亩的军事公墓的壮观景色,并向埋葬在那里的数千名美国士兵致敬. Beyond the cemetery, you can see the Golden Gate Bridge, Marin Headlands, and San Francisco Bay. Using the Bay Area Ridge Trail, 国家公墓观景台(National Cemetery Overlook)距离Arguello Gate公园入口约15分钟步行路程. Learn more here.

Pacific Overlook

为了欣赏典型的西海岸太平洋美景,从兰兹角到 Golden Gate Bridge, head to the Pacific Overlook. This is a popular stop, as it is easily accessible off many hiking trails, including the Batteries to Bluffs Trail. 由回收的蒙特雷柏树制成的质朴的木凳可以让人们休息片刻. Learn more here.

Many of the park's hiking trails connect directly to one or more of these overlooks. Alternatively, the PresidiGo Shuttle can bring you to many of these stops as well. 总统公园是一个方便和免费的选择. PresidiGo also offers transportation from downtown, 而普雷西迪奥很容易通过贝博体彩app的铁路到达 Muni system. 骑自行车是另一种前往公园和游览公园的流行方式. Click here 关于路线、电动自行车共享和租赁机会的想法.

关于普雷西迪奥的风景俯瞰的完整信息,访问普雷西迪奥 online or in person. 你会找到资源、指南和小贴士来享受公园之旅.